After boot-strapping the Tower configuration from bottom up you are ready to start a job in your Tower cluster. In one of your Tower nodes web UI’s:
Open the Templates view
Look for the Install Apache Template you created with the script
Run it by clicking the rocket icon.
At first this is not different from a standard Tower setup. But as this is a cluster of active Tower instances every instance could have run the job.
There are a couple of ways to find the node that executed the job.
The most obvious way is to look up the EXECUTION NODE in the details of the job output. If you closed it already or want to look it up later, go to VIEWS->Jobs and look up the job in question.
In one of the Tower instances web UI under ADMINISTRATION go to the Instance Groups view. For the tower
instance group, the TOTAL JOBS counter shows the number of finished jobs. If you click TOTAL JOBS you’ll get a detailed list of jobs.
To see on what instance a job actually run go back to the Instance Groups view. If you click INSTANCES under the tower group, you will get an overview of the TOTAL JOBS each Tower instance in this group executed. Clicking TOTAL JOBS for an instance leads to a detailed job list for this instance.
First find the job ID: In the web UI access VIEWS→Jobs
The jobs names are prefixed with the job ID, example 3 - Install Apache
Make sure you choose a job with type “Playbook run”.
Bring up the terminal in your VSCode session and run:
Replace <ID> with the job ID you want to query and VERY_SECRET_PASSWORD with your actual password from the landing page.
[student@ansible-1 ~]$ curl -s -k -u admin:VERY_SECRET_PASSWORD https://ansible-1/api/v2/jobs/<ID>/ | python3 -m json.tool | grep execution_node
"execution_node": "ansible-1",
You can use any method you want to access the API and to display the result, of course. The usage of curl and python was just an example.
Another way to query the Tower API is using a browser. For example to have a look at the job details (basically what you did above using curl and friends):
Note you used the internal hostname above, when using your browser, you have to use the external hostname, of course.
Find the job ID
Now get the job details via the API interface:
Login to the API with user admin
: https://student<N>.<LABID>
Open the URL https://student<N>.<LABID><ID>/
where <ID>
is the number of the job you just looked up in the UI.
Search the page for the string you are interested in, e.g. execution_node
You can of course query any Tower node.